Tuesday 31 May 2011

Buy Travis Barker

My beautiful and talented friend Natalia is selling her artwork, including her portrait of Travis Barker. She's amazing. Check her out on Facebook if you're interested in buying some of her artwork:
(you may have to add her as a friend if her profile is private)

Heres the picture of Travis Barker:

If I had the money I would buy it, just sayin'

Wednesday 25 May 2011


I am home for the next week and a half, so I decided that this week's photo theme will be home. I can't get over just how big my baby kitty has gotten over the last 5 months. She's not a kitten anymore, in size anyway. She still acts like one though! Attacked my camera strap while I was taking these...Enjoy!

This is Belle, or Belletard as she's most commonly known because she's a retard...

Sunday 22 May 2011

Just a little tidbit...

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days! I worked all weekend and there was nothing exciting to document...

A photo of something I found that was amazing at the war memorial when I visited last week. Its a Christmas Card a POW in "Tol" (not quite sure where it is, but it was WW2 in the Pacific) a soldier wrote on a rations biscuit. I thought it was amazing that it survived in the awesome quality that its in. Farrrrrrrking love history.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Such a lovely week

Its been such a warm, delicious week weatherwise in Canberra this week. I've literally been going downstairs and just standing in the sun soaking it up. Its so warm when there isn't a breeze. Haven't taken any new photos today but here are some more from when I went to the war memorial.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Tuesday 17 May 2011


It was such a clear, sunny day today. There wasn't any wind and it was actually warm when you stood in the sun! I went to the War Memorial and got my history nerd on. I was leaving just on closing, the sun was just going down. The lighting made amazing photographic conditions. Enjoy!

Monday 16 May 2011

Relay for Life - Sponsor Clare!

My beautiful BFF is participating in Relay for Life this year. Relay for Life is an overnight, community event where teams of 10-15 participate in a relay-style walk or run to raise funds for the Cancer Council. Its an amazing thing and I wish I was in Coffs to do it with her.

Sponsor Clare (click on the following link) and donate money towards the Cancer Council.


Have a nice day :)